May - Nature Journal

Hi Everyone

How was your week?

Ours is definitely busying up. We have now seen some fab friends in “real life” which was fantastic. As we live by the seaside alfresco is a go-go, we have been really lucky because we have had the weather-gods on our side. It’s so lovely to be at a beach cafe catching up, while people around us were swimming in the sea! So that a massive feel good factor.

Where are your top 10 favourite places, that you are really looking forward to being reacquainted with ?

With so many beautiful venues, I certainly have a list planned, before the island gets too busy, especially as we are constantly in the weekend papers as top place to visit. I still find it novel that we wake up to the sound of seagulls every morning. I look forward to visiting all our regular venues and the new, island life constantly evolving, so there is always a new venue to try.

Walking in nature:-

The bank holiday weekend consisted of a visit to beautiful, beautiful Quarr Abbey, which has the most beautiful gardens nurtured by the brothers who live there. They also have piglets, which are delightful. They so make me giggle, (the piglets) as they run around ears flapping, oinking and just generally lolloping around. I love how they just land on top of each other and then all have a group sleep. Group hugs rule if you are piglets.


Quarr really does encapsulate peace, calm and serenity. It has the most lovely woodland walk which leads to a little beach that has some of the best sea glass, which you can collect, while looking across the Solent to the Spinnaker Tower. Spring is definitely in the air, as we are currently surrounded by baby everything, piglets, lambs, cows. It really does make my heart glow.


There is an absolute abundance of lushness, the green grass and trees, the vivid blue skies and some vivid yellow that the fields are giving us at the moment. This photo says it all, it actually looks like an oil painting. Is it any wonder that this island is so incredibly artisan with so much natural beauty?


The Highland cows are back. Aren’t they fabulous. This one definitely wins best fringe award!


That was this week’s gratitude journal, a little reminder to be grateful and mindful for all that Mother nature gives to us. I look forward to bringing you more news and views next week.

Thank you for reading. Enjoy your week.

Stay safe.

Until next time.

Jules xx


Walks and words.


Foraging …