2022 - A new year

Welcome back

HAPPY NEW YEAR - HAPPY 2022 - Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy New Year.

I hope you all had a wonderful break over Christmas and the New Year and had the opportunity to indulge in a few of your favourite things, with your favourite people.

So it’s 2022 - I think we all love a New Year, especially after the last few years.

I truly believe that there is a great psychology attached to a new year, especially as a massive believer of out with the old and in with the new.

It’s a really empowering time and perfect to set up some rituals and routines. Decluttering being the first one for me personally. Clear home, clear mind!

If this is the first time you are reading this blog, it is based on appreciating all that is around you and essentially practicing the art of gratitude, whatever your mood.

As a Papyrophilia ( a lover of paper/stationery) I have an absolute passion for journals. This blog is also based on Journalling. This Christmas I was incredibly fortunate to receive this one by Martha Brook, it literally shouts out “It’s 2022 your own personal trip to Motivation City can be found here” :-)

January can easily end up being the month of forcing a resolution or in fact feeling quite lacking, especially as we are still living in such a state of limbo, with the constant unknown. So that is why below I have listed some great creative ways to start the year.

1. Set a personal empowering word for the month or year, to keep you inspired.

2. Set a Mantra/Affirmation for the month - set and say it on a daily basis.

3. Make a vision board/word board - a great opportunity if you are clearing out old magazines, cut out some inspirational pictures and words that you aspire to and would like to have in your life.

4. Make an evidence wall - this is based on anything you have ever achieved, photos, certificates, a visual CV, another thing that is great to lift you on a grey January day.

5. Make a mind map - mind/goal mapping is contagious. Draw your idea in the middle of a plain piece of paper, and then branch out, what will you need to achieve it, reasons why it is a good idea, where, how, when.

6. Write a list of wellbeing rituals and routines - Self care is vital, if you are running on empty it will affect everything.

7. 22 wishes - write 22 things you are grateful for.

8. Joy Jar - get a jar and when something good happens, write it on a piece of paper or pretty card and put into your J.J.

9. Soothing Box - Fill a pretty box with some of your favourite things, a nice candle, some oils, chocolate, photos, jewellery.

10. Books - once finished with leave on a bench with a kind message.

Most importantly meet a friend or go out for a big walk and a massive dose of fresh air.

It is Red January - a movement empowering people to move everyday.

My beautiful journal, is as it says on the label is from Martha Brook.



As always enjoy everything and stay safe.

Jules xx


On reflection …


Christmas Wishes …