July - Journalling ..

Hello my lovelies.

I hope you are well and I hope you are enjoying the summer. As we enter the month of July, we enter into the zodiac sign of Cancer the water sign and hopefully the heat element that the sun brings. A time when we are all trying to make the most of every moment.

Nature brings us the season of so much colour, there is such an abundance of colour and beautiful flowers and my daily mindful walk is made so much more pleasurable, with all the green lushness that the rain enabled. As a summer baby, it is my favourite time of year, for the warmth and my wardrobe.

One of the things that has remained constant in my life throughout all the seasons and rapidly changing world, is my love of journals and journalling. Journalling is about self-care. It provides a positive, calm and peaceful sanctuary for us to look after our needs.

As we approach our 7th year of living on this island, words that I truly can’t believe I am saying. Island life has provided an opportunity for many things creative, holistic and spiritual. This is possibly how my pile of journals and all things paper have had the chance to grow! I do however now tell myself that not every pretty journal has to come home with me, although I have to confess there is always one on my wish-list.

Journalling has very much become an essential part of my life, this time has been etched into my day and my life. Pre alarm and pre bed everyday.

So how do I start journalling?

Treat yourself to a journal or improvise and make one from an old book.

Journalling has been proved time and time again to be good for our mental health. There are so many different genres of journalling, but below are a few of my written favourites.

Gratitude Journal:- Morning or night, write the date and write three things you are grateful for.

Gratitude Jar:- I now have a gratitude jar as well as a journal, because its visual and it stays on the table as a reminder. Writing daily gratitudes, whether 3 or 33 is good for the soul. Also with a gratitude jar, whether I write on pieces of card, gift tags, or the back of business cards that have provided a nice experience. It’s a pretty way to store them.

Another fun thing to do, is to write any of the following at the top of each page (some examples):-

Affirmations - I am healthy and empowered

Empowering Words - Achieve, Empower, Restore

Quotes - “What if I fall? Oh but darling what if you fly”

Prompts - What brings joy to my life? or equally, Where do I feel stuck?

It’s also good to write 0 - 10 at the top of your page, as a mood gage. 0 - being low and 10 being good.

Writing a heading at the top of each page helps to get you over the new journal syndrome stage ie:- my journal is just too beautiful and new to write in.
Also, you start each page from a positive space. Affirmations and empowering words are a great starting point too and also once you start journalling the top of every page becomes a lovely surprise.

Bucket List - List 5 things that you would like to do/achieve by the end of 2023.

Elements of Happiness - Why does journalling make us happy?
It helps us feel more in control of our thoughts.
It declutters our mind/spaghetti head.
Improves our mood, memory and mental health.
Dreams and Goals become more achievable.
Dramas and Dilemmas become more manageable.
Writing helps us to stay in alignment with our core beliefs.
Writing also keeps our creativity flowing.
Serotonin and Endorphins are released, which means we have a happy body and mindset.

For me Journalling is all of the above and it also helps with:-
My private thoughts and ideas.
It clears my head/mind.
It helps me to make plans and set goals.
It helps me to feel organised and calm.
I love writing and stationery.

Above all, Journalling provides us with a positive space of our own.

Happy Journalling and Happy Summer 2023!

Until next time.
Kind Wishes.
Jules xx


Self care rituals …


Happy Summer Solstice …