What lies beneath …

Hi Guys

Welcome back to my blog, it has been a while since I last wrote.

I have named this blog “What lies beneath” because after a busy Summer, I personally feel that it is time to perhaps put into place a little personal time to practice some inner calm and also time to listen to our bodies.

Although I am very much a sunny bunny, I do find this season warming in a different fashion. It is incredibly soothing to ease into this more mindful relaxed season. Time to wrap up warm and enjoy the lead up to December. Hygge season, a good time to reassess and re-evaluate.

The Island will now slow down, the beaches are now a place for walkers. With the darker nights it is nature’s way of saying it’s time to rest, replenish and renew.

I continue, when possible to do a morning gratitude walk, which always makes my heart and soul feel so much better. Our local fields have their Highland cows back, and there is a new found crispness both under foot and in the air. The skies are however, still vividly blue.

After a busy 2021 catching up with life, friends and mother nature, I thought I would make a little list of self care rituals. It also brings me back to my word for 2021 “Permission”.

Here are some favourites:-

  1. Light a room with scented candles.

  2. Drink Herbal teas.

  3. Spray some Lavender in the air to aid good sleep.

  4. Drink warm water, with root ginger or fresh mint, as a natural flavouring to keep hydrated.

  5. Have a hot scented bath.

  6. Listen to some mellow music.

  7. Watch/Listen to an uplifting Podcast.

  8. Snuggle in your cosiest comfy clothes.

  9. Curl up with a book or journal.

  10. Meditate to some mindful music.

  11. Create space in your home, to stretch

“HYGGE - A calm and comforting time spent at home with loved ones. Often enjoyed with good food, warm drinks, blankets, books and candles”

The little book of Hygge is a really enjoyable read and perfect to get you started in your quest for some peace, calm and tranquility in the forthcoming winter months.

May we be happy
May we be healthy
May we be safe
May we live with ease

“Zen yoga quote”

Stay safe and warm. Always look up and enjoy the seasons.

Thank you for reading.

Jules xx


Christmas Wishes …


Autumn intentions...