Hi July…

Hi Guys

Happy July! As always I hope you are well!

The element for July is water. As we are all surrounded by water, I literally had to ask myself if it is possible to have a favourite place when everywhere is so totally idyllic. Each beach, bay or cove is unique and each offers a unique experience, wherever you are located. As the rather famous quote says:-

“Nothing soothes the soul like a walk on a beach”


I definitely find a stroll along the beach incredibly good for the soul and so therapeutic, all worries do wash away. I enjoy all that the sea brings too, especially on beautiful empty beaches like “Yaverland”. As I am sure we all do, I find wave watching mesmerising and on this particular beach I enjoy looking for seaglass.

A person who loves the waves is also known as a “thalassophile” deriving from the greek term thalassa, meaning sea.

A person who loves the clouds is also known as a “nephophile”.

July is hopefully one of the warmer months of the year. Sunshine provides a big dose of Vitamin D, which of course activates our serotonin levels, which generates that happy holiday feeling when the sun is shining.

The summer brings with it, lots of alfresco opportunities to meet with friends and the chance to dive into our summer clothes. Nothing quite beats that feeling. Life is definitely better in flip flops and so the feel good factor begins.

Even as we approach our 5th anniversary of living here, there is still such a big novelty factor attached to the fact we have so many beaches within a 10 - 30 minute radius of us. I think one of the most used sentences on this island is “we are so lucky”. Lucky we are.

News and Views:-

July in our household is Birthday month, so I am quite literally in my element, and it is also our 5th anniversary since moving from Winchester to the Island. How that time has flown and with all that has happened within that time, life has changed massively, personally and globally.

My wellbeing intake is at its greatest, my mind, body and soul are so incredibly fortunate to be fuelled by my participation in mindful, creative and spiritual experiences on this beautiful island.

Journalling and writing a blog has been very nurturing and therapeutic too! We all have a personal story, so by definition we all have a book in us. What would yours be?

Other news and views:-

It is also a busy month for island events - guidelines permitting!

This month the island’s first outside event revolves around water as we host the first Around the island boat race since 2019. There is such a seasonal buzz to watching the skill and navigation, as these vessels are steered around the course, around the island. Once again, Mother Nature very much needs to be onside. The tide and the wind are crucial to a good race and both of these elements ideally need to work in natural harmony with the weather, which was at early doors very misty. (hence no photo) It was still good to see the race.

It is also a good time of year to enjoy all the vibrant nourishing foods that are in season. I will also share some of my own super simple salad recipes under separate cover.

This month is also poppy season, and we saw this field from a distance and then drove to it. My big learn about capturing images like these, is that I do spend a large proportion of my time walking down windy roads, sometimes slow roads, sometimes fast roads, possibly looking slightly bonkers, but once this girl wants a photo!

Do you see poppies or possibly an oil painting. Such a beautiful island space. I absolutely love this image, as it so portrays how impressionists such as Van Gogh were inspired.


I have lots of lovely things planned for the rest of the month, so hope to capture and share some of those in my next blog.

The secret, is to surround yourself with people who make your heart smile.

It’s then and only then , that you’ll find Wonderland.

Lewis Carroll

Enjoy all that you do in this one very precious life.

Until next time.

Stay safe and well.

Jules xx


Healthy and Healing…


Elevating my senses..