March is here…

Hello March

We are now in Wk 8 of LD3. The seasons have suddenly changed to our favour. The ground is drying up and we are now not plunging through quite so much of the muddy stuff. Although we do think our boots may beg to differ. Less mud of course means, longer walks.

The one thing we have realised since being in LD1 is just how many places we can get to by foot. We now have so many routes mapped out. We now look at bridle ways with a new penchant. Not bad for a couple of townies really, added to that my husband is very geographical and is an avid cartographer, which believe me does help. While, I am more of the follow my nose and get hopelessly lost type of person, perhaps this is why we tend to walk together!

This week was good, I only have to look at the collection of photos that I have managed to take to realise how incredibly fortunate we are. Time and time again, it really does reiterate how easy and good for us, it is to constantly be in and with nature. My mind, body and soul are eternally grateful for what we do have on our doorstep. A daily dose of fresh air and exercise are such good esteem providers. That said, I do very much look forward to catching up with some playmates, once everything is deemed safe enough. Although vaccines are being rolled out, it has gone very quiet on that front, originally we were meant to have a vaccine before going out anywhere, so once again we will just need to watch this space. In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy our LD life.

“If I could walk with the animals, talk with the animals …” Dr Dolittle

As you can see we have enjoyed both coastal and country walks this week, the sudden opportunity for some variety has been a good morale boost As anticipated my blogs are becoming more colourful and cheery. Lockdown has also given me a big opportunity for some reading too. Here are some of my favourites:-

I hope you have enjoyed reading this blog.

Until next time.

Stay safe. Stay well.

Jules xx

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My Wight wild life …


It’s Spring !