Change …


I hope everyone is well.

Welcome to this month’s blog. If you’re a new reader welcome to this space.

This month has already brought with it the Beaver Full Moon, which has offered many twists and turns for me. The key word connected with this full moon seems to be “change”.

It’s also provided some great opportunities as journalling prompts, such as;
- What would you like to change in your current situation ?
- Do you like change?
- What would you like to change by the next full moon?
The Cold Moon is on the 8 December and is the next and last full moon of the year.

Bird of Paradise flower and Victoria amazonica - Lily pads @Ventnorbotanicalgarden

As Mother Nature constantly shows us, change can be a beautiful thing. Trees teach us to stay strong, grounded and connected and to go with the flow, but consider how much they change with the seasons.

The trees surrounding us are looking absolutely fabulous at the moment. I’m incredibly grateful for the beauty that they bring to our landscape. It’s a lovely time of year to scrunch my way through, the crispness that the freshly fallen leaves offer. A woodland walk is a good walk to have with the current weather, as trees are also great canopies against the rain!

A beautiful page to follow especially if you love the Royal Family and open spaces is @queensgreencanopy

Staying on the theme of trees and change, here are a few feel good factors, to help to keep our inner light glowing through the winter months:

- Meeting friends
- Winter walks in nature
- Wrapping up in a warm coat, hat and scarf
- Baking
- Candles and fairy lights
- Cooking and sharing warming hearty winter food
- Creativity - there are so many wonderful creative things to follow on Insta
- Visiting a Christmas market

I hope you get to enjoy some of the above.

This time last year my blog was called “What lies beneath” and that too has another lovely list. Please do scroll back.

I hope you have enjoyed reading. The images I’ve included were captured while out and about on my phone, as it’s been a little wet for my camera at the moment. These images prove just how much nature evolves and is constantly changing, and also from a wellbeing point of view, how important it is to get out, especially if you’re living on an island!

Until next time.

Stay safe and warm

Jules xx

Insta: Elementsofhappinessiow


Lotus Tree Yoga


Just for you …