Lotus Tree Yoga

Hi to my lovely readers

I hope you are well. In today’s blog, I would like to introduce Susan of Lotus Tree Yoga. I first met Susan in 2019, Susan is a very well known yoga teacher on the island and I now try to make sure I save a space in my diary, for her monthly crystal and oil workshop that she holds in Ryde. Just walking into the room to see one of her Crystal mandalas is absolutely spellbinding!

Susan - Lotus Tree Yoga

Today Susan shares her absolute wealth of knowledge about all things wellbeing. Today she describes her passion/Ikigai for all that she does and some top tips for self care:-

I’m sure I was born a magpie .. from a young age I was drawn to sparkly things .. and I still have a cut glass emerald green stone .. that my grandfather gave me!I was always borrowing my mothers Crystal bracelets

So I feel my journey into the earth’s natural wonders was a given. Crystals, stones, essential oils , yoga and breath work all the senses at work!

I am an eternal student of the healing arts and well-being , Reiki, Yoga, Crystal healing and I have a love of visual displays and creating altars, this has all accumulated into something quite magical !

Yoga has given me a grounded sense of well-being, freedom and joy. I use this in my yoga teaching with children, special needs and disabled adults in my yoga classes.

In my monthly Saturday workshops, I do a blended class of yoga, meditation, beautiful oils placed on the body and Crystals on and around the body. This is where my creativity can come into play and I create a beautiful mandala of crystals in the centre of the studio, this allows me to share all my passions in one place and I’m so grateful to the people who share these with.

A lovely self care well-being tip is to take some time to connect:-
Find a quiet cost space to sit or lay
Using an Amethyst (purple, calming) crystal, place it in the palms of your hands ( if you have crystals) ?
Put some serenity essential oil a beautiful blend on the soles of your feet and practice a yoga breath called Ajapa japa visualising/imagining a passage between the throat to the lower abdomen . And as you breath in visualise/imagine the natural breath, no forcing the breath, travelling from the throat to the abdomen and as you breathe out the breath travels from the abdomen to the throat and repeat watch this breath for as long as you have time and enjoy the focus. If your mind wanders just bring it back to the breath and the visuals ..enjoy

You can also create a little altar placing things in the space you’ve made, maybe on a side table or sideboard. .. to remind you of all the things that bring you joy and remembrance, placing pictures, keepsakes. Mine are filled with crystals . Jules actually gave me a tiny bottle that I filled with a necklace my mother had given me and I tied her gold locket around the top and place it on my altar table! It’s so wonderful to bring these special objects together.

When I run after what I think I want, my days are a furnace of stress and anxiety.
If I sit in my own place of patience, what I need flows to me, without pain.
From this I understand that what I want also wants me, is looking for me and attracting me.
There is a great secret here for anyone who can grasp it.


Thank you Susan for a truly amazing look into your world/life and as always for being such a rock, who keeps our well-being and knowledge well and truly topped up. Susan can also be found on:- www.lotustreeyogaiow.com

I hope you all enjoyed that as much as I did.

Until next time.

Stay safe, well and warm

Jules xx


If it’s good for your soul


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