A bit about me…

Hi guys

First of all, thank you for finding my blog. Happy 21.05.21. 21:21

This week, as I have some new followers, I thought I would pluck up the courage and write a little about me, the writing was easy, but the posting was a different experience all together. I have always found it easy to say how fabulous my friends are and yet when it comes back to me, it’s a very different story. The final push for me to post was reading an Insta post, which said “In the end it was easy” and this was my cue.

Here it is:-

I am Jules. In July 2016 I relocated to the Isle of Wight from Winchester, both places, beyond beautiful. (This has also become my new strap line :-). Swapping my city life for a coastal one and also swapping my *high heels for high hills.


My career started in various corporate and retail companies, meeting some fabulous people and products along the way. I gently bounced from one thing to another, until finally realising I was very much a square peg in a round hole. I think most people on my then journey would agree, in the nicest possible way! However, at the time and with a mortgage to pay, I thought feeling how I did was normal!! I finally decided to pluck up the courage to follow my dream and become a portrait photographer. Since moving to the island, portraits have become landscapes.

Living on this island has provided me with lots of space and opportunity to capture lots of places of outstanding beauty, write my first book and now a blog.

Images on my website galleries are starting to be loaded, so please do keep scrolling.

Images on my website galleries are starting to be loaded, so please do keep scrolling.

I am an avid follower of anything connected to nature and wellbeing. One of the first books I read was How to be your own life coach by Fiona Harrold, when I was in my 30’s. Now we are to fortunate to live in a world with an abundance of inspirational speakers and writers, especially now we have the good fortune of Podcasts, Zoom and Insta-lives. These still play a huge part in my life, just when I/we need them most.

So here is my little list about me:-

I live in a little bubble with my husband and two beautiful black cats.
I am surrounded by lots of inspirational friends/females/rocks/teachers.
I love blogging (but am in fact a social media introvert).
I am constantly curious and a real research queen.
I love yoga and meditation.
I am an absolute bookworm.
I love writing, quotes and lists.
I am vegetarian.
I love hygge moments.
I love Feng Shui.
I love clouds - and cows.
I love anything arty.

I do also love LBD’s and *high heels ;-)

I have also learnt to:-
To follow my heart (and not to just buy hearts that say it).
Home is where the heart is.
The grass is greenest where it’s nurtured.
Inner strength is the greatest gift.
We are all unique and in a niche of our own.
We all have wobbles.
The dream you have, will keep coming back until you do it.
When you find your vibe - you will find your tribe.
Women who empower women, empower women.

“Just where you are, that’s the place to start” Pema Chodron

In my gratitude journal - I am grateful to:-
My hairdresser for returning my hair to it’s signature bob (after 7 months).
You, My readers for following my posts.
The Insta Lives/Posts that are keeping me on my journey from Comfort Zone to Courage.
The Zoom meetings I have attended this week. (My list of inspirational females grows).

Following on from my list. Another fun thing to do if journalling, is to imagine someone has asked you to arrange a festival, what would your key components be? What would you add? Who would you invite?
What would you call it.?

That’s all from me this week.

Please do click the contact me tab on my home page, if you would like to get in touch!

Thank you for reading.

Until next time.

Stay safe.

Jules xx


Hello June…


Walks and words.