Hello June…

Hi Guys

How is everyone? I hope everyone’s happiness factor has raised up a level or two. The feel good factor of having some sun, friends and freedom for me/us has been just phenomenal.

Yes we now find ourselves almost half way through 2021! June is the month that I got married, this also appears to be a natural turning point in the weather, when we suddenly become a sunny place. I think my mind, body and soul have an automatic mood shift too.

June is mainly known for being the zodiac sign of Gemini, which represents the element of air. The air that we breathe still has an element of freshness to it, but the sun is out and so are all the little kiddies with their buckets, spades and little holiday outfits, it is always so endearing to hear the squeals of excitement that they are at the seaside.

The skies and sea are the most beautiful turquoise blue, in fact we could easily believe we were in the Med in some places on the island at the moment. We awake to the squawk of seagulls every morning, even as we approach 5 years of living here. I still find it incredibly novel. I also love the innocence and mindfulness of my beautiful cats, who are normally having a snooze at this point and refuse to be disturbed by such things.

Us humans meanwhile, are trying to get as many early walks and photos in as possible, before the beaches and the roads start to buzz with holiday-makers. The island has opened and is super busy. I have to admit because our roads are mainly winding country lanes, it is suddenly amazing how long a 10 minute journey can now take. That’s the beauty of island life, the chances are very high that when driving you will end up behind a horse, a tractor, (yes one has just guided me home) or a bus. The one thing island living teaches you is to just take it in your stride. Whenever you end up in traffic, just soak it all up. We are surrounded by so much natural beauty. What I do love massively is that horses have priority. People will stop cars and turn off engines for these beautiful animals, I love it.

The landscape above has been captured at Culver Cliff which towers over Yaverland beach, with the most vibrant fluffy clouds. We are also amongst an abundance of floral colours, here, a Rhododendron and Horse Chestnut Blossom. Also this month’s discovery, Earl Grey and Cardamon melts, best served with friends and Lemon Posset :-) (recipe to follow).

Life is definitely starting to blossom in every aspect of the word. Also The Wildlife Trusts are celebrating #30WildDays, which involves doing one alfresco activity a day. I think I’m going to enjoy this one. A great list of possibilities call.

Now it is time to go and enjoy this one very precious life and to capture the moment where possible.

Wishing everyone a good week and one possibly with lots of alfresco opportunities.

Until next time.

Thank you for reading.

Enjoy everything.

Stay safe.

Jules xx



Earl Grey and Cardamon Melts …


A bit about me…